Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1 OCTOBER 2008--A continuing journey

This rainbow appeared over the vineyard and I can’t help but think of God’s continual presence in my life. Throughout the day of touring, I kept having this odd feeling/premonition that we weren’t going to be leaving tomorrow, 2 October 2008. There was a flight that took off for Antarctica today and it left Christchurch this morning. If the first flight goes askew, the rest of the flights fall like dominoes. As we headed back to the hotel for the night, we ran into someone who works in the Antarctic program and found out that the flight that left this morning boomeranged. A boomerang basically means that the flight took off, flew so far, couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to land and so it returns to its point of origin. The flight that took off flew about 4 hours and turned around due to weather. This flight being delayed will now delay us. More time in NZ, our new departure will be on Friday. One more day in Christchurch…what shall we do?

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