Anne and I laugh at our local news station WTAE-Pittsburgh...without fail there is always a Pittsburgh Connection to something around the world. We joke back and forth about the fact that the axis of the earth seems to revolve around Pittsburgh. Now, don't get me wrong, I love where I am from...but it gets to be bit much at times. Everything ends up being a 'burgh thing!

So as I am surrounded by the beauty of this continent...I keep thinking to myself...why haven't they done a Pittsburgh Connection to Antarctica. Hmmm...I am sure that there has to be a Pittsburgh Connection to this place....other than myself.

Here on the shelf of the Terra Nova Hut at Cape Evans, Antarctica....The Pittsburgh Connection! HEINZ KETCHUP!
It's amazing how much "stuff" is inside the hut and howwell it's preserved. The dry, cold air here preserves things for years and most of the items are over 100 years old. I had to laugh when I saw a 100 year old bottle of Heinz Ketchup on the shelf. A Heinz Ketchup bottle that is topped with a cork, and there wasn't just one but a whole shelf of the stuff. I have taken a number of photos of the bottles and the labels, maybe Heinz will be interested in my investigative reporting on the Pittsburgh Connection. Watch out WTAE, here I come!
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