Monday, October 13, 2008

A New Antarctica Season--Life as the Frozen Chosen

I am beginning today to record the journeys of my second season in Antarctica on the Blog. The next articles will seem like they are all being posted on the wrong days but I am playing catch-up with the posts since I wasn't able to post to the Blog as well as I would have liked while in my travels.

For the second year in a row I am in Antarctica from September through December. I am here with the Air Force but I primarily function in a civilian capacity. I was completely overwhelmed this year when I was told I was coming back. I was deploying for a combat rotation to the Afghanistan AOR when the chaplain that was coming to the Ice backed out last minute…the director of the National Science Foundation requested me by name…and so quicker than anything I went from 6 months of dodging bombs and bullets to 3 months in one of the most beautiful, peaceful, and austere places in the world! God is GOOD! I very much felt like Abraham with his son Isaac, I needed to show my willingness to do as God asked no matter how hard it would be…to stand tall and proud in the face of sheer and utter adversity and pain…only to be spared the actual act of plunging forward at the last moment.

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